Yeah~ finally i get FIRST certificate in curtin university. Why i was having this certificate? Well it's because of i was joined a club which named Curtin Cheerleading club. Yea it's quite fun and i was enjoy of it^^ On 4th of April was Curtin 10th anniversary and it's was opening day. That's why our club got performacing on that day, of cause it's my FIRST performing at school too~xD
Im damn happy that i got certificate. But unfortunately, my name was wrong!! Lol?!! Actually my name is Georgina.. But How come become G'i'orgina?!! Omg....... Who so STUPID wrote my name wrong?? If less a 'R' yea it's ok. But this happened i was first time saw it. It's too BIG different.=.= But i think maybe is because the pronous a bit same ba, so he/she wrote my name as like that.=.= But it's ok lar.. i can forgive him/her^^