Friday, June 26, 2009

Thx for HIM~

This is my sdo couple picture.. and was designed by myself.. Yea it's a bit too dizzy but it's really take much time for me to do it.. But i will practice more to improve my editing skill.. The boy who hugz me is my sdo lao gong. But in real we not that relationship, we just friends^^ In sdo, although he's very bad one and always laugh me baka.. But he's very caring. 有他在,我就觉得好幸福噢^^ So Im editing this picture just wanna thanks him that protecting and caring me so much^^ 谢谢你噢~猪猪xD


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

DAMN nice sdo video><

I like tis SDO video very much. It's damn nice and romantic. This video was recording a SDO boy with his SDO girlfriend memories. It's sooooo romantic~~~xD Im learning making video too. So this was a good sample video for me to learn. But i dont know how he did the video. He's too pro@@ But i will learn myself. Yeah~ it's effect really really very LENG!!! These was the effect that i like:

The front part - Dont noe how he take from sdo de@@

1:28 - slow motion~ so ngam with the song~xD

1:49 - back view~~~~ so nice><

2:05 - One ppl dissapear thn 2 ppl going out@@ cool~

2:37 - SOLO part~!

3:15 - On beat@@ + slow motion

3:27 - wasei>< keep on beat+slow motion@@

and the ending part~~~@@

Please enjoy ur self ba~^^

Sunday, June 21, 2009


还记得上个礼拜五,我和我班同学去parkcity玩两天一夜..到了那边,我们就去那里的沙滩玩了一些疯狂变态的游戏..哪知回到旅馆冲凉时,就发现我的手脚出现了几十粒红点..而我朋友说那是被sandflies咬的..我那些朋友也中了几粒..ok lor..我以为没什么大碍..哪里知道过几天,它就开始疯狂的痒了起来!!而且还跳出了几粒来!!哇靠!!害得我几天都没睡好觉,一直在爬痒!从此以后,我再也不要去海边了!!! 所以我劝你们,最好不要去海边玩!去的话,就会像我这样..这是我个人亲生体验!真的一点都不好玩!!以下就是我目前的伤势T.T希望它不要再痒下去了><

很恐怖对吧~>< 唉~~~~~~ 我看有一阵子得穿长裤出门了>< 不然打死我都不要出!!!!!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i've upload tis video b4.. but because of some reason.. i deteled it.. but now.. i upload it again^^ maybe it's too late.. but i just make it for rrssb to thanks them given me such lot of memories.. love u all.. so hope u guys can enjoy it ya^^

*p.s. This video i already made since last year ago. So for year 2008 & year 2009s' new band members try dont be so weird if saw the ppl u never seen before. Because they are ur seniors^^